The Brothers of Recovery Lodge No. 31 will be meeting at Stax Omega on September 30th at 8 am for a Brotherhood Breakfast. This event is open to all brothers or those interested in Free Masonry.
The Brethren of Recovery Lodge No. 31 AFM will meet for our Adopt-A-Highway clean up on September 23rd at 8 am. We invite any Brothers or Volunteers to join us for this trash pick up, we will meet at the QT on Grove and Whitehorse Rd. If you have any questions or would like further details about this clean up opportunity or others please reach out to us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 09/18/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 08/21/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
Brethren and Friends Please join us for the Lewis Degree on August 19th for our Brother’s Son amongst Brothers, Family and Friends. The Degree work will begin at 10 AM.
Our Worshipful Master will open a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons at 7:30 PM on July 24th for the purpose of work . We will conferring degrees for 1 candidate of Recovery Lodge No. 31. AFM. A meal will be served before hand at 6:30
Visitation is now being allowed, if you would like to visit please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 07/17/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
Our Worshipful Master will open a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons at 7:30 PM on July 10st for the purpose of work . We will conferring degrees for 1 candidate of Recovery Lodge No. 31. AFM. A meal will be served before hand at 6:30
Visitation is now being allowed, if you would like to visit please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
Brother's come out and support the lodges of the 18th District as we celebrate the Textile Heritage that supported our communities for generations and gave birth to many of the lodges in the district and upper state. We will be presenting a second degree at 9 am sharp with a breakfast before served at 8:30 am. With a special education section on Textile History in the Upstate and special charge to the candidates honoring our pasts, present and future.
Visitation is now being allowed, if you would like to visit please reach out our Worshipful Master Brad Duncan or email us at
The Worshipful Master of Hudson Lodge No. 294 F&AM will open a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons at 9:00 AM on June 24th for the purpose of work .Brothers from Hudson Lodgewill be performing Georgia Degree work At Recovery Lodge No. 31 AFM. Breakfast will be provided at 8:00 am.
Visitation is now being allowed, if you would like to visit please reach out our Worshipful Master Don Smithl or email us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 06/19/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 05/15/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
Our Worshipful Master will open a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons at 7:30 PM on May 1st for the purpose of work . We will conferring degrees for 1 candidate of Recovery Lodge No. 31. AFM. A meal will be served before hand at 6:30
Visitation is now being allowed, if you would like to visit please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 04/17/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
The Brethren of Recovery Lodge No. 31 AFM will meet for our Adopt-A-Highway clean up on April 15th at 8 am. We invite any Brothers or Volunteers to join us for this trash pick up, we will meet at the QT on Grove and Whitehorse Rd. If you have any questions or would like further details about this clean up opportunity or others please reach out to us at
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 3/20/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at
The Brethren of Recovery Lodge No. 31 AFM will meet for a build day with Rebuild Upstate at 8 am on March 18th
We invite all master masons to our upcoming stated meeting on 2/20/23. We will meet for the purpose of business with a meal being served at 6:30. We hope all who are interested can join us!
Visitation is now being allowed, for more info please reach out our Worshipful Master Nick Zappitelli or email us at